Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Parenthood of Fantasy...

I think we all enjoy fantasy every now and then...but my kids enjoy it ALL THE TIME. Maybe it's because you can act crazy and get away with it...or maybe it's the thrill of stepping into someone else's shoes so you can see what it's like to live their life. Whatever the reason - my kids like it.
Just last night we watched The Last Airbender with the kids and Brady could not sit still...he stood off to the side mimicking all the Tai-Chi type arm movements that the main character "Ang" was doing. I couldn't help wondering what he was thinking at that exact moment as he was staring intently at the screen copying "Ang". I must say, he was very cute and it made me smile.
I got to thinking about the "why's" the other day and something occurred to me. I like fantasy once in a while too...but my reason is simply the escape it provides and the "costume" that I put on is t.v. and movies. Which brings me to the other main reason for this post...parenthood.
Just in case you didn't know, there is a t.v. show called Parenthood. In my opinion (which I know doesn't carry a lot of weight) it's one of the best shows on right now. Even though it is a scripted television show, I LOVE IT. I think I've cried every single time I've watched it. So...once again - I got to thinking about why I like this show so much (and I didn't take into account the wonderful interactions of the boy with asperger's that won't come out of his pirates costume, with his dad - who just wants a normal son).
For's a relief to watch other parents mess up and then have to eat crow and apologize to their kids. I can relate. It's also neat to watch parents speak encouraging words to their kids, especially when the kids are going through a "crisis" (crisis in quotes cause they have no clue what real crisis is). I don't know why it's so easy to tell a kid what's wrong with them, but so hard to tell them what's great about them...I'm gonna work on getting better at the latter part, because I've got the first part down pat!
I'm also gonna cherish these moments where my kids enjoy fantasy...because I know these days won't last long. Time will fly and eventually I'll be dealing with teenagers in angst who think they know everything and will forget all about the days where dressing up and playing was all it took to be happy!

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