Monday, January 17, 2011

I don't know what the heck I'm doing...

...but I'm doing it anyway. I've never understood why people share so much of their personal information on the internet. It baffles me to the point of being annoyed, but also intrigues me at the same time. I guess I'm curious as to the motivation behind it. When I was growing up it seemed like most adults wanted to hide their weaknesses and points of failure, whereas now a days...people are constantly blogging about them. Whether that is to garner pity or simply create a relatable and likeable personality - I'll never know.
As for me, I'm not one for sharing my vulnerabilities with the public...but I do love sharing stories about my kids and my crazy life. Every kid says funny things now and then...probably not all blog-worthy, but funny nevertheless, so I won't share every comment or shenanigan...scout's honor.
But I do plan on putting together a veritable cornucopia of stories from my life that could include, but will not be limited family, my job, the life of a church staff worker and anything else I deem worthy of blogging about!
I still don't really know how to do this...but writing stuff down relaxes my overstimulated I'm gonna give this "blogging" thing a shot!


  1. And I will enjoy following! :) You go girl!

  2. I'm glad you started a blog! Looking forward to some crazy stories.

  3. I posted a comment, but was logged in as Providence, so here I am as myself.

    It's always fun when you are around, so I'm looking forward to hearing stories from The Ogres. You are a brave woman.

  4. Yay! Now I get to keep up with the "Ogres" while I'm gone.

    I feel ya with the whole "putting personal life on the internet." I mean, yeah I put pictures and stuff up on Facebook, but I don't necessarily want to express myself verbally... I mean pictures are a thousand words, right? But the funny thing is, is that my parents want me to blog! My dad was the one who encouraged me to make a blog! Which I think is kind of strange...

  5. Love it! So glad you're blogging! And "veritable cornucopia," well, well. I will look forward to all the stories and pictures! And don't forget, you can make treasured books out of your blog- a new way to scrapbook for Cheri!
