Saturday, January 29, 2011

Does anybody actually remember how you lost your first tooth? I don't actually remember but I've heard stories. For some doesn't bring back pleasant memories (ahem - Kris - achoo - bless me). For others (ahem - me) it was very exciting. But as I've recently found's hard to convince your kids that it's as exciting as you say it is. For some reason they think you're crazy when you want to tie one end of a string to their tooth and the other end to a door...and then of course they think you've gone off the deep end when you want to slam said door.
Somehow, someway, and despite her paranoia...we convinced Denver to trust us and let us yank her tooth out! How, you ask? By telling her we wanted to get it on video before it fell out on it's own. Let's just say our oldest child has no trouble "performing". We still haven't figured out where she got that trait from! We're actually lucky everything worked out well because Brady was watching and if things had gone bad it probably would have traumatized both of them forever, and we can't have that. This is just the first of many to come because Denver already has 2 more loose teeth!

1 comment:

  1. LOVED IT! where does she get the drama???? ughhhh wellll I can guess!!
