Monday, March 14, 2011

The inevitability of change...

Change is inevitable...but it doesn't make it any easier. Every time I hold a newborn - I am reminded that my "newborn" is now almost 18 months old. YIKES!
I just visited the doctor's office with my middle child and he is almost as tall as my oldest and already weighs more! Oh - did I mention that he STARTS KINDERGARTEN NEXT YEAR? YIKES!
Then there is the issue of my oldest, who is 7 going on 17, and in the 2nd grade! YIKES!

When I focus on where we are at and where we will be before you know it...the anxiety attack settles in and my breathing starts to speed up and I I doing enough? Have I told them "I love you" enough? Have I done a good job teaching and showing them Jesus? Have I spent enough time playing with them? It starts to feel as if they are leaving for college tomorrow and I have run out of time! It reminds me of that commercial where the young daughter (probably 4 years old) is sitting in the driver's seat of the car asking the dad for the keys...and then when the dad looks back the daughter is actually 16 years old and he was just reminiscing? That's how I feel!!

I have never really felt adequate as a mom, mentor, teacher, housewife, cook or any other role I sometimes assume, but then I remember...I have time. Yes - it seems the cliche is true that it flies...but only when we let it.
I am determined to raise kids that have a passion for Jesus and for making a difference in this world. And that all starts with me...